Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Why I unschool (The first installment)

I unschool because I like being with my children.
I unschool because I like to goof off.
I unschool because I hate for my children to have to ask to go to the bathroom.
I unschool because I want my children to explore their passions.
I unschool because growth is self paced.
I unschool because I want to see my children learn for the sake of learning, rather than for a scratch n' sniff sticker.
I unschool because we like to sleep till we're done.
I unschool because it is natural.
I unschool because my children's interests are what is important.
I unschool because I never have to say "It's time to stop playing video games and get some math done!"
I unschool because I learned that are really are no "have to's", only choices.
I unschool because it's the best way for my children to Be Who They Are.
I unschool because I can relax.
I unschool because learning is everywhere.

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