Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Two! Two! Two bundles of fun!!

So my darling Brother David and Beautiful sister in law Sonia had TWO babies last week. Double the fun, double the lack of sleep.
I know, I'm horrible that I am just now getting around to posting about it.
I'm still waiting for pictures, and I really really want to go hold them and smell their tiny toes and heads but I have way too much stuff going on. I feel really guilty.
Their names are Nathaniel Widman Hall (that's the boy) he was 7 pounds 12 ounces born at 10:06 pm on October 1 and Isabelle Widman Hall, born one minute later weighing in at 4 pounds 15 ounces.
Aren't they Bee-YOO-tee-full?

The prodigal son returns

No not my son. My brother Bruce (my mother's prodigal child) is heading up the blue Ridge Parkway as I type. He and his family are on a 6 month cross country vacation. They took the kids out of school (! Whooda thunkit?) and packed up their 40 foot RV and have been traveling gypsies since July. Today around 4:00 they should be pulling up the steep hill we live on. Tomorrow I take my neice Melissa to the barn with us for riding lessons and we'll find out if we can trail ride or something on Friday. I doubt I will since last Friday I could hardly move due to the CRAZY lesson I had the day before. I've got a bit of cleaning to do before they get here, of course. Friday we'll eat crabs, Jenna is coming over and hopefully MamaLala and her DH.
Should be a good week.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Why I unschool (The first installment)

I unschool because I like being with my children.
I unschool because I like to goof off.
I unschool because I hate for my children to have to ask to go to the bathroom.
I unschool because I want my children to explore their passions.
I unschool because growth is self paced.
I unschool because I want to see my children learn for the sake of learning, rather than for a scratch n' sniff sticker.
I unschool because we like to sleep till we're done.
I unschool because it is natural.
I unschool because my children's interests are what is important.
I unschool because I never have to say "It's time to stop playing video games and get some math done!"
I unschool because I learned that are really are no "have to's", only choices.
I unschool because it's the best way for my children to Be Who They Are.
I unschool because I can relax.
I unschool because learning is everywhere.
I'm Baaaaaack!
I almost forgot I had one of theese! Well, can't let Squidman have all the creativity in the family so I'm blogging. Today at least.
So here's how lame I am, copying from his blog a quiz:
LADIES: Turned ON or OFF when a guy:
-Rides a skateboard: off
-Dresses like a baller: like a WhAT?
-Dresses like a surfer: off
-Dresses in all black: on
-Plays a musical instrument: on
-Sings: on
-Is shorter than you: on if he's confident enough for me to wear heels
-Is taller than you: on if much taller
-Wears braces: off
-Has chapped lips: off
-Has green eyes: off
-Has blue eyes: on
-Has brown eyes:on
-Has long hair:on
-Drinks alcohol: in moderation
-Smokes cigarettes: doesn't matter
-Smokes pot: on
-Has brown hair: on
-has black hair: -on
Has blonde hair: off
-Has red hair: off
-Works out: on
-steroid type workout: definately off
-Smiles a lot: on
-Thinks kids are cool and fun: on
-Calls you just to say hi: on
-Is a deep thinker: on
-Lets you know he was thinking about you:on
-Compliments you: on
-Shaves his legs: yuck
-Has facial hair: off (maybe a soul patch)
-Wears eyeliner: nah
-European: off
-Has piercings/gauges: on
-Has tattoos: on
-Has a deep voice: on
-Smaller feet then you: off, you know what they say
-Bigger feet then you: on
-Has his own ride: At my age? he better or he's a loser.